
A few of my favorite chemo things

Before I started treatment and even through the first round of chemotherapy, I expected that research and preparation would force my experience with chemotherapy to conform to known experience and plan. However, despite a lot of research and lengthy conversations with my medical team, I realized on the first day of chemotherapy […]

Ringing the Bell: My Last Chemotherapy Infusion

After being released from the hospital and receiving the good news regarding the clear PET scan on Friday, April 10, we spent the weekend reveling in the good news and smiling constantly. Although my neutrophil count (“ANC” = absolute neutrophil count) was too low  at 0.6 to proceed with my […]

The Starting Line: Round 1, Days 1-7 and Frozen Embryos!

On Friday, January 31st, my eggs were retrieved, fertilized, and started their journey to become blastocytes. Here are the final numbers: 20 eggs were retrieved. 19 eggs were mature and fertilized. On day 3, 18 “cleavage stage” embryos existed (the cells in the embryo are cleaving (aka dividing), but not […]

From Pain and Anxiety to Resolution, Clarity, and Thankfulness: Choosing My Oncologist/Hematologist

Last Tuesday was an exhausting day. Less than 24 hours after I had the port placement surgery, we were up early to go UNC Chapel Hill to meet with Dr. Park (Director of Lymphoma Program and focusing on Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma) for a second opinion and to determine who I would […]