
Below is a timeline regarding my past and future appointments, diagnosis, and treatments.

    • November 18, 2014 – Annual gynecological appointment with Dr. Mody – referral to Dr. Ingram
    • December 1, 2014 – Initial consultation with Dr. Ingram (General Surgeon at Central Carolina Surgery)
    • December 4, 2014 – CT Scan of upper body and chest X-Ray
    • December 12, 2014 – Follow-up with Dr. Ingram and core biopsy
    • December 16, 2014 – Received core biopsy results  (showing signs of malignancy)
    • December 18, 2014 – Pre-Op appointment at Moses Cone Hospital
    • December 19, 2014 -Lymph node excisional biopsy at Moses Cone Hospital
    • December 23, 2014 – Received excisional biopsy results and official cancer diagnosis
    • December 29, 2014 – Initial consultation with Dr. Gorsuch (Oncologist at Cone Health Cancer Center at Wesley Long)
    • December 30, 2014 – Chemotherapy Information Class at Cone Health Cancer Center
    • December 31, 2014 – Echocardiogram at Cone Health Cancer Center
    • January 6, 2015 – PET Scan at Cone Health Cancer Center
    • January 7, 2015 – Bone marrow biopsy at Cone Health Cancer Center
    • January 8, 2015 – Review PET scan and bone marrow biopsy results with Dr. Gorsuch – diagnosis of stage 1
    • January 9, 2015 – Fertility Consultation with Dr. Fritz (UNC Fertility) and genetic testing and baseline blood work
    • January 12, 2015 – Port placement surgery at Moses Cone
    • January 13, 2015 -Appointment with Dr. Park (Hematologist/Oncologist at UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center) and baseline blood work and diagnosis as “Limited Stage DLBCL”
    • January 13, 2015 – Appointment with Dr. Fritz (UNC Fertility) for baseline ultrasound and treatment informational class; baseline estrogen level at 49
    • January 17, 2015 – Begin fertility stimulation injections
    • January 20, 2015 – Estradiol check with Dr. Fritz (UNC Fertility) – estrogen level up to 65
    • January 22, 2015 – Received results from Jason’s semen analysis and my genetic testing (both good)
    • January 23, 2015 – Estradiol check and ultrasound with Dr. Fritz (UNC Fertility) – estrogen level up to 212
    • January 25, 2015 – Estradiol check and ultrasound with Dr. Mesen (UNC Fertility) – estrogen level up to 643
    • January 27, 2015 – Estradiol check and ultrasound with Dr. Hoff (UNC Fertility) – estrogen up to 1046
    • January 30, 2015 – Egg retrieval and fertilization (UNC Fertility) – 20 eggs retrieved, 18 fertilized
    • January 30, 2015 – CT scan, blood work, and meeting with Elizabeth Tita (clinical trial nurse at UNC Lineberger) to discuss and consent to Clinical Trial S1001 PET-Directed Therapy in Treating Patients With Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma 
    • February 3, 2015 – First chemotherapy infusion at UNC Lineberger and appointment with Dr. Park
    • February 4, 2015 – 8 Embryos frozen (UNC Fertility)
    • February 5, 2015 – 4 Embryos frozen (UNC Fertility)
    • February 17, 2015 – Head shaved (Local Honey Salon)
    • February 25, 2015 – Second chemotherapy infusion at UNC Lineberger and appointment with Dr. Park
    • March 17, 2015 – Third chemotherapy infusion at UNC Lineberger and appointment with Dr. Park
    • April 1, 2015 – April 7, 2015 – hospitalization in In-Patient Oncology Unit at UNC Lineberger due to febrile neutropenia
    • April 2, 2015 – PET/CT Scan to determine responsiveness to chemotherapy – clear scan  = No Evidence of Disease!!
    • April 9, 2015 – Received confirmation from clinical trial doctors that they agreed scan was clear meaning only one more round of chemotherapy and no radiation
    • April 10, 2015 – Blood work (UNC Lineberger) – ANC at 0.6
    • April 14, 2015 – Blood work (UNC Lineberger) – ANC at 0.3 – ordered to home isolation due to severe neutropenia
    • April 15, 2015 – Home isolation due to severe neutropenia
    • April 16, 2015 – Blood work (UNC Lineberger) – ANC at 0.4 – home isolation due to severe neutropenia
    • April 17, 2015 – April 19, 2015 – Home isolation due to severe neutropenia
    • April 20, 2015 – Fourth Chemotherapy (UNC Lineberger) (ANC at 0.6)
    • April 22, 2015 – Neulasta injection
    • May 15, 2015 – Blood work (UNC Lineberger) – counts at acceptable levels
    • July 14, 2015 – PET/CT Scan and blood work (UNC Lineberger) – scans clear and labs good! – still in remission!
    • August 4, 2015 – Port removal surgery (Surgical Center of Greensboro)
    • October 6, 2015 – Blood work and appointment with Dr. Park (UNC Lineberger)
    • January 5, 2016 – PET/CT Scan, blood work, and appointment with Dr. Park (UNC Lineberger)
    • April 6, 2016 – Blood work and appointment with Dr. Park (UNC Lineberger)
    • April 29, 2016 – First hair appointment post treatment (Local Honey Salon)
    • July 5, 2016 – Blood work and appointment with Dr. Park (UNC Lineberger)
    • November 9, 2016 – CT Scan, blood work and appointment with Dr. Park (UNC Lineberger)
    • February 15, 2017 – Appointment with Dr. Gopal (Seattle Cancer Care Alliance)
    • May 31, 2017 – Appointment with Dr. Gopal (Seattle Cancer Care Alliance)
    • May 30, 2018 – Appointment with Dr. Gopal (Seattle Cancer Care Alliance)